Design Leotard
Design Leotards for Rhythmic Gymnastics
We know that you always search for the interesting rhythmic designs for your gymnastics leotards. We all resemble bees, we are attracted with everything that is new, beautiful and unusual. Each rhythmic gymnastics suit begins win an idea or a sketch. Sometimes the original sketch may be completely changed during the creation process, but at times it remains unchanged. Nevertheless, many gymnasts decide to design rhythmic gymnastics leotard dress.
How to create your own gymnastics leotard design
There are several wonderful unappreciated ideas how to find your amazing leotard. Where to look for them and how to create them on your own?
1. Competitions and gymnasts all around.
Each week a lot of competitions take place where hundreds of gymnasts take part. The thousands of their photos appear on official pages of events, in sport news or in social networks. Take the sport celebrities as the examples, they are always highly fashionable: Margarita Mamun, Yana Kudryavtseva, Averina’s sisters, Aleksandra Soldatova. But be very attentive! Some of the leotards have been used on carpet for ten years!
2. Catalogue
Any specialized Internet-atelier, as a rule, has about a hundred of popular offers. It’s quite enough for the majority of gymnasts. You can be creative and transform the offered leotard out of all recognition. You may change the main color, the sleeves, the color of decoration. Thus, you will design a leotard. Here are some ideas for you:
The "Virginia" leotard (photo of it)
And you may find the catalogue with leotards of different characters and styles in catalogue.
3. Lists of sketches
When you want to make your own leotard, you need to get deeper into it. For example, you should look for the leotards’ sketches that haven’t been sewn yet. Choose from customized rhythmic gymnastics leotards designs. It’s a complicated work to find them. The forums with sketches and google pictures will be very helpful. We offer you our own updatable archives of sketches which you can get leaving your e-mail address and paying $ (€) 10.
4. Custom-builtsketch
When the Internet doesn’t give any results, there are two conclusions: you searched for it badly or you need to custom the sketch of your perfect leotard – according to appearance, program, temperament and wishes of coach. The professional designers and painters will definitely help you with that. We offer a team that consists of nine painters who work in rhythmic gymnastics’ direction. According to the previous orders there are 100% of successful sketches. A customer always gets a required order because all details and little nuances are always worked out till the necessary level. This service costs __$. The sketch is sent together with the package while somebody hasn’t made a copy of it on some competition. Such situation is inevitable.
So, if you are reading these lines it means that you are still determined to order a leotard of your dream. What to do next? It’s time to act! You may order an exclusive leotard here.
Then you have three variants:
Upload a leotard’s photo that you found on the Internet;
Draw it yourself although it may look askew and a bit strange (In this case a written description will be a necessary attachment);
Order a sketch in our company attaching your photo and the description of your performance.
Everything else depends on us. We are sure we can create a leotard of your dream!
01 Sep 2016 at 06:00
01 Sep 2016 at 06:00
14 Jan 2020 at 10:55
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