Shared order is cheaper
We created the second web store of our Russian trading and industrial company “Dancing” in order gymnasts from the foreign countries could wear high quality leotards for rhythmic gymnastics from one of the leading producers.
We know that it is very important for the child to look good during the performance! And we know how to do it!
We have our own certified manufacture department which creates new wonderful models.
At first the idea was to make the site only for leotards but then, step by step, we started to realize that it is necessary to add there training clothes and different associated goods. As we are direct suppliers of famous Russian manufacturing companies, such as Grishko and Geksha, we also sell their products at a low price.
You should understand that it is meaningless to buy 1 pair of gym shoes when shipping costs are 10 times higher. The best variant is to order cheap gymnastics leotards and some associated goods.
And we also recommend you placing a shared order.
The principle of the shared order is that you buy goods with the others (parents, trainers). Then shipment does not seem to cost so high and repays itself!
When you are ordering something you may also ask other parents or trainers if they/their group need training clothes, leotards, gym shoes.
We can sew leotards for one person (custom-made) and for the whole group of the same quality at a high level. We can make the unique design for you at a reasonable price!
You (your child) will be happy to wear our comfortable clothes! It will give confidence, positive mood and help in trainings and performance!
We will be very happy to receive testimonials or photos with you (your child) dressed in our clothes.
01 Sep 2016 at 06:00
01 Sep 2016 at 06:00
14 Jan 2020 at 10:55
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