

March 19, 2021 Thank you so much!

March 10, 2021 Hi Julia, Just wanted to update you. I received our new pair Leo last week and it is BEAUTIFUL! The pair got it tonight and wanted to share a picture with you. They absolutely LOVE IT! Thank you once again for delivering an amazing product! Elizabeth - Browns Gymnastics

March 1, 2021 Les justaucorps font effet dans le monde entier ma chére Julia. Magnifiques. Les filles ont été tres complimentees. Et de plus j ai fait de la publicité pour vous. Bises et à bientôt

March 1, 2021 Les justaucorps font effet dans le monde entier ma chére Julia. Magnifiques. Les filles ont été tres complimentees. Et de plus j ai fait de la publicité pour vous. Bises et à bientôt
and share your experience with another customers

February 25, 2021 They have arrived! And are amazing! The girls are very happy with them! Can’t wait for competition day. Thanks again! P.S. Our little dog wanted to be in the photos too I’m happy either way.

February 4, 2021 Hi Julia! Elizabeth from Browns Acro in Las Vegas, I got the leos from the Trio special a few months back and the girls LOVE THEM. THANK YOU!

January 6, 2021 Hi Julia! We got our leotards today and...WOW!!!! They are gorgeous!!!! Your company did an amazing job. They fit the girls perfectly, and sparkle beautifully out on the floor. The girls are thrilled and can’t wait to compete and show them off. Thank you for being so good at what you do! We couldn’t be happier!!

December 11, 2020 Dear Julia, We are so thankful for your help with the leotards, and our girls love them so so much, and it makes us very happy!! We are writing to you know, because we had completely forgotten to write thank you so muck to you. Thanks for good service, and we´ll return to you, next time our girls need to have new leotards. Best regards Laura and Johanne.

November 9, 2020 Thank you so much!