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Malaysian Gymnastics Championships rescued

08 Nov 2012 at 07:00
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Pahang and Perak rescued the SportExcel Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships Circuit 2 and National Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships, so both tournaments will be held as planned.

Rhythmic Gymnastics Events at Internal Stadium Putra in Bukita Jahleel were supposed to be held on November 9-11, but they’ve almost been cancelled because of too few submitted applications for participation.

Pahang participates in both Championships while Perak appears only in the national one.

The SportExcel championships will meet the rhythmic gymnasts at Federal Territory, Selangor and Pahang while the national meet will feature FT, Selangor, Pahang and Perak.

Vera Andreeva (Perak coach) said they will only be performing in the group exercise for the reason they do not have gymnasts for the age groups in the other categories.

“Our gymnasts are only at the age of 10 and 11 so our team may represent us competing in the group exercise,” said Vera.

Perak doesn’t participate in the SportExcel as it features only four categories – hoop, clubs, ball, and ribbon.

The Russian coach said she regrets that the group exercise was excluded from the SportExcel championships.

“It’s sad because the younger gymnasts don’t have an opportunity to participate in competitions,” she said.

“I just want my girls to go out and do their best and, hopefully, get some good results.”

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