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Happy New Year 2015!

29 Dec 2014 at 07:00
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Our dearest and nearest customers!

Happy New Year!!! At the end of this year we’d like to express you our gratitude for such pleasant cooperation we’ve had this year!

Thank you for your understanding, open hearts and participation!

We hope to see you as our customers next year and wish you new victories on the carpet and in life!

Our Company, in our turn, will make you happy with new and exclusive gymnastics leotards and costumes.

Warmth & Love on Christmas Holidays and in NEW 2015!

We also would like to inform you that we're out of office:

December 31, 2014

January 01-04, 07-08, 2015

To create a new-year-mood for you we prepared this list of the Russian New Year songs we usually sing at New Year night! Enjoy!

1.      В лесу родилась елочка(Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest)

2.      Маленькой елочке (Little Christmas Tree)

3.      Дискотека Авария Новый год к нам мчится (New Year is Rushing)

4.      5 минут (5 Minutes)

5.      Новогодние игрушки, свечи и хлопушки (New Year Toys, Candles and Petards)

6.      Потолок ледяной (Ice Ceiling)

7.      Расскажи, снегурочка(Tell me, Snow Maiden)

8.        Кабы не было зимы (If there wasn’t Winter)

9.      Белые снежинки (White Snowflakes)

10.      3 белых коня (3 White Steeds: December, January and February)

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