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Bulgarian gymnast Simona Peycheva returns!

17 Jan 2013 at 07:00
Pin it reports that 27-year Bulgarian rhythmic gymnast Simona Peycheva decided to proceed her sport career.

-          Return is not just my whim, - Simona Peycheva, who retired 4 years ago, said. Triple world champion in rhythmic gymnastics (2001) has been already training in Korea for a month. She wants to step on the carpet for Bulgarian Team again. Some sport reported about Simona’s intention, but it was officially confirmed on January 13, 2013. The details will be published after the press conference next week. – My return to rhythmic gymnastics is not a joke, it’s true. I am disposed to do it. And I’m sure that I can give more to Bulgarian rhythmic gymnastics. Now I’m grown-up and experienced enough. All that I’m saying is not froth. I’d been thinking about this return since the middle of the last year. I will organize an official press conference at the end of the next week, - claimed Simona Peycheva, she also added that she’d like to represent Bulgarian at the Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Simona has already participated in Olympic Games twice: in Athens 2004 she was the 6th in Individual All-Around, in Beijing 2008 she was the 10th.

Simona Peycheva gave birth to the son named Aleksey in 2009. If she manages to achieve her goal, it’ll be a unique case of the return to rhythmic gymnastics after delivery of a child.


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