Rhythmic Gymnastics Superstitions
Any kind of competitions is an important event for a gymnast. Future career and professional success may depend on the performance. Certainly, gymnasts accentuate great skills and beautiful costume in a good performance. But sometimes it’s not enough. It’s important for gymnast to be set up for success psychologically. And some superstitions often help in this case.
It’s interesting that everybody follow them: from a junior gymnast till the Olympic champion. Superstitions could be divided into personal and generally accepted ones. Personal superstition means that a gymnast finds a “charm” saving her from failures and helping to achieve great results.
5 most popular rhythmic gymnastics superstitions:
1) Apparel should be kept and used carefully. And it won’t let you down at the competitions. Gymnast should hold her apparel, which brought her luck, in her hands during the victory ceremony.
2) Gymnast who got the golden medal should step from the podium right on the floor. If she steps on the 2nd or 3rd step, she’ll lose next competitions.
3) Gymnast shouldn’t have her picture taken. Many sportsmen think it scares the success away
4) Gymnast should be kind to her competitors, they should help them if it’s necessary. Remember that good deeds will come back to you at double rate.
5) Reserve apparel shouldn’t be put out of the carpet, otherwise gymnast will drop her apparel. Reserve apparel should be hold by parent or friend.
Olympic Champions also believe in superstitions and always try to follow them. For example, Alina Kabaeva stepped on the carpet only with her left foot. Irina Chaschina never sew her costume before some days till competitions. Evgenia Kanaeva believes that a white leotard draws the success. Every gymnast has her superstitions.
Leotard Superstitions
Gymnastics leotard is a peculiar “charm” or armor saving from failures and defeat. That’s why leotard is paid great attention before the competition. Certainly, the costume’s appearance depends on the performance’s idea, music and gymnast’s character. But there’re also some psychological tricks in costume, which help to set a gymnast up for success.
These are individual superstitions. For example, red color means victory for some gymnasts, so they sew a red leotard or put some red elements in the costume. Some gymnasts believe in magic power of a peculiar pattern, which can be put on the front, and it’ll become the main part of the leotard, or inside – for inner confidence.
Some gymnasts don’t enter the carpet in a new leotard. It is supposed that a gymnast should perform in a new costume at least once at the less important competition. They say, in this case leotard absorbs the energy of victory and performance at more important competition will have success.
Leotard superstitions are individual. Every gymnast has her own rituals, habits and traditions preparing for the victory. But it’s very important to be concentrated on the technical part, emotional state and comfortable leotard. It’s quite easy to win with all these three things!
01 Sep 2016 at 06:00
01 Sep 2016 at 06:00
14 Jan 2020 at 14:25
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