Aesthetic Group Gymnastics is a kind of sport that impresses!
The world of sport is full of incredible and fantastic disciplines. There is a wide range of sport activities for both men and women. While disciplines for men show strength, dexterity, speed and persistence, women kinds of sport are known to be the most elegant and beautiful ones. Graceful sportswomen create a real miracle dazzling all judges and ordinary viewers.
The most popular women kind of sport is gymnastics which can be divided into several directions: rhythmic, artistic, acrobatic and aesthetic ones. All of the above-mentioned styles are highly attractive. Although there are some common features for each style of gymnastics such as the ability to keep the balance and flexibility, all of them have their individual peculiarities.
Aesthetic group gymnastics is a relatively new kind of sport. It was founded in Finland. The first competitions in AGG gymnastics were organized in 1950 although the first World Championship took place only in 2000. All rules of Aesthetic Gymnastics are defined by the International Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics which was founded in 2003.
Aesthetic gymnastics has many similar features with rhythmic gymnastics but in general these kinds of sport are different. The teams of AGG gymnasts are larger and the movements are bigger and more amplitude. There are no apparatuses used in international AGG competitions. As it is well-known rhythmic gymnasts use different apparatuses (hoop, clubs, ribbon, ball and rope) at their performances. The apparatuses are used only in national aesthetic gymnastics competitions. Nevertheless, aesthetic gymnastics may be considered as a far more complicated kind of sport. It includes features of rhythmic gymnastics, dancing and acrobatics. There are many qualities that are developed by means of aesthetic gymnastics. Gymnasts become flexible and strong. Thanks to many sport movements gymnasts learn how to keep balance, they develop coordination. As all routines are performed to music gymnasts develop sense of rhythm.
Aesthetic group gymnastics is a kind of sport which is based on natural movements of body performed with grace. Such movements include the following elements: lifts, balances, body waves, jumps, swings, leaps, pivots and dance steps. All movements should smoothly flow from one element to another creating one beautiful performance. In AGG gymnastics performances last about three minutes.
Aesthetic group gymnastics is extremely popular in Finland. There are different types of competitions according to two seasons. The AGG competitions take place in spring and autumn. The spring competitions include championships of both international and national levels such as World Cup, Juniors Challenge Cup and World Championships. The autumn ones include only national competitions. Only a few World Cups are held in autumn. The other countries, where aesthetic gymnastics is popular, are Russia, Bulgaria and Estonia.
As it was mentioned earlier the aesthetic gymnastics teams are bigger than rhythmic gymnastics ones. The number can vary from six to ten (twelve) gymnasts. There are two categories of gymnasts. They are Juniors and Seniors. The Gymnasts of Junior’s Category include gymnasts at the age from 14 to 16 years old. The Senior Gymnasts are sportswomen that are over 16 years old.
Aesthetic Gymnastics is a competitive kind of sport that’s why its main feature is uniformity. It can be achieved through synchronous movements and common look. Gymnasts should look the same. They should have the same type of make-up and the same leotards. Aesthetic group gymnastics leotards help to make each performance really noticeable. Gymnasts should pay much attention to their aesthetic gymnastics costumes. Gymnasts convey the emotional impact of their performance through aesthetic gymnastics suit. There are several possibilities of choosing an appropriate aesthetic gymnastics leotard. Gymnasts can go to an ordinary shop or use the internet services and buy a ready leotard there. Nowadays it is much easier to custom group leotards at websites. Gymnasts don’t have to spend long hours walking from one shop to another. They can custom leotards online indicating measurements and sketches.
Appearance is undoubtedly very important but it is not the only factor that is evaluated by judges. The jury always consists of three judges: technical, artistic and executive ones. All of them are responsible for their own areas. The technical judge evaluates the difficulty of the movements. There are several obligatory elements and movements that are performed in every routine. The more complicated they are, the better. The artistic judge evaluates the creativity of each performance. A program should be diverse and the structure of the whole routine should be unusual and interesting to watch. The aspects that are evaluated by the artistic jury are music, the talent level of gymnasts and the beauty of figures’ formation. The executive jury is in charge of evaluation of two main aspects. This jury evaluates the general technique of performance and he also watches the routine to be performed synchronously.
The technical jury in national competitions also evaluates the complexity level of elements with apparatuses. The apparatuses that gymnasts use may vary according to their age category and the type of competitions. There are the following rules for championships:
<10: Apparatus of own choice
10-12: Rope/ ball
12-14: Hoop
14-16: Clubs
16>: Rope/ ball/ hoop/ clubs/ ribbon
The rules for competitions series are:
<10: Apparatus of own choiceThe rules for competitions series are:
10-12: Rope/ ball
12-14: Rope/ ball/ hoop
14>: Rope/ ball/ hoop/ clubs/ ribbon
Aesthetic group gymnastics is a kind of sport which is not included in the list of sport styles of the International Gymnastics Federation. Competitions and championships in this sphere are organized every year. The International Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics organizes competitions of different levels.
Aesthetic Group Gymnastics is getting more and more popular nowadays. Parents prefer AGG gymnastics even more than any other kind of sport. The reason is very simple. It is evident that parents want their children to be the best. They feel incredibly happy when their children achieve gold medals. But first places are not the only thing parents want for their children. The main thing is for sure health. That’s why so many people choose aesthetic gymnastics. Coaches of this kind of sport pay special attention to the training process. They teach the sportswomen how to breathe properly. Aesthetic gymnasts should perform all elements not only technically correct. To make each performance look even better and make the gymnasts feel less tired, sportswomen should practice special breathing methods.
Try aesthetic gymnastics and you’ll be healthy and athletic! You will look graceful, elegant and gentle! Our company can help you to find that unique, bright and beautiful leotard. Custom leotard of your dream and feel confident in it!
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